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Hello everyone!

These last weeks have been incredible!

Thank you so much everyone for your support!

Not only have we redesigned the whole website  😀 (I hope you love the new look and feel!), but if you have been reading the blog you may have also noticed that during the last weeks we also had the VIP Pre-Release (we invited …

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The Piano Community

Hi Everyone! 😀

These last three months have been of intense work and incredible results!

We’ll be posting a more detailed post after the celebrations, next week, but just to give you a sneak-peek ahead, let me tell you shortly some of the news:

  • Our next release is called:
  • The Logic Behind Music

    Mastering the Secrets to Music Composition and

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    Free, Lessons, New Features, News, Piano »


    Hi Everyone!!!

    As promised, it’s time for me to tell you the EXACT release date of our First Piano Lesson Report!!!

    But, before I share that with you- you didn’t happen to miss our previous post, did you?

    A Short Recap…

    We’ve made SO much incredible progress during the last few months that this project is nothing compared to what …

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    Featured, New Features, News, Piano »

    Piano Chort Charts


    During the last few weeks we have received SO many emails from our newsletter members and new site visitors asking us, when will The Piano Encyclopedia be ready, how to get one of the 25 Free copies, and asking for an update on The Piano Encyclopedia development!

    We got tons of emails like these ones:

    “Hey Rod! How are

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    Free, Piano, Piano Lessons »

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    I got big news to share with you! ❗

    We’ll be giving away 25 copies of the full Piano Encyclopedia Product. 😀

    YES, you read that right!

    Twenty-five people will get the Full-featured complete copy of the ready-to-sell product for FREE. 😎

    I can’t tell you more since we haven’t defined the details of this new free release…

    BUT, if …

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