Musicians are not born – they are made. Discover The Logic Behind Music!
Hi everyone!
It’s been a while since we posted on the blog, as we have been writing constant short news updates in our chat room -but today, I am writing to you today to share some really exciting news!
These have been the best days of my life…
After almost three years of intense development with the help of more than fifty collaborators – which included pianists, writers, editors, graphic designers, and developers from different corners of the world – I’m proud to announce that our Digital Home-Study Course: “The Logic Behind Music” is finally ready and looking truly amazing. My team and I have taken the lessons, the animations, the graphics, and the presentation to perfection, paying great attention to detail. This course has really become everything we dreamed about!
With this course, the history of piano learning has changed forever.
Throughout history, revolutions have changed the way we think, live, and learn. The leaders of revolutions have long been applauded for their bravery and determination; for using their ideas to better the lives of everyone around them.
Today, my team and I are adding a new chapter to the book of music history by presenting our revolution to the conventional piano-learning method.
Our method is not based on rules, but on logic and understanding. We don’t intend to teach prospective pianists to play without understanding the music. Opposite to the conventional piano-teaching methods, our techniques do not enslave the students with a set of complex rules that only a few can understand, and that only professional musicians are able to master after a lifetime of dedication to music.
Mastery of the art of music composition and improvisation will no longer be limited to the skillful and gifted musicians who are able to devote their entire life to music and piano learning. EVERYONE will be able to enjoy playing, improvising, and composing on the piano -and that’s what this revolution is really about.
Let me give you a sneak peek into what our Digital Home Study Course “The Logic Behind Music” includes:
Here is what you will get with our Digital Home-Study Course:
- The Logic Behind Music’s Main Lessons, with all of the music secrets that helped each of the musicians and pianists on our team reach a new level of music understanding.
- The Logic Behind Music’s Four Piano Practice Booklets full of enriching exercises, so you can take all of the music concepts you are learning into practice with your piano or keyboard.
- The Logic Behind Music’s Three Reference Books: Expand your knowledge with the Multimedia Books, master all of the fundamental Intervals, Chords and Scales, and gain access to hundreds of interactive Piano reference charts.
- A Gold-Membership Account in The Piano Encyclopedia’s community, so that you can access Premium Exclusive Areas, ask questions, share your progress, parcipate in music contests, and interact with other musicians and pianists that are taking the same lessons as you.
- More than five hundred (500+) Pages of Unique Content
- More than two thousand (2000+) Interactive Animations
- Thousands of Piano Chord, Scale, and Interval Recordings
- Virtual Piano Keyboards and exclusive Piano Encyclopedia technology, so that you can follow the lessons and practice even if you are far away from your piano or keyboard.
The most common problem we’ve encountered is that most pianists are limited to just reading and playing music. That is, most pianists are just ‘interpreters’ and lack the necessary skills to be able to improvise or compose music. What we recognized is that it is not the students’ fault… it’s actually the way they’re taught. Very few teachers know this, and very few private teachers actually teach this in a practical way.
In my case, I spent more than ten years without much real progress, other than learning more and more pieces, which I would then forget as the years passed. Then I was shown some simple but powerful concepts that changed everything for me, and nowadays I just sit at the piano and improvise or create my own music. This is something I thought was completely impossible… something that I considered out of my reach no matter how hard I practiced… and no teacher would teach.
We want to change this worldwide.
We want to eliminate this frustration for every piano player out there.
Eight months ago, we were (and still are) the first piano site on the Internet to release an eBook of more than twenty pages for free. We released our 111-page Music Fundamentals eBook as a gift to the Piano community.
Today, that content has been enriched with interactive multimedia content and is now part of just the first chapters of our Digital Home-Study Course: “The Logic Behind Music.” The report was a complete success, and the comments we have received far exceeded our expectations
These are just five out of more than fifty comments we received, taken directly from the messages:
“Hi Rod,
I just found your website a week ago and I can say that even though the report is free, it is the best 111 pages of music I have ever touched. I
could not believe that there exist such logic to music playing. Maybe
this is what differentiates average piano players and the exceptional ones.I began to play piano again this past two months after 10 years of idling. I
practice for more than two hours each day, and after I read the report, the
music sheets suddenly become so much more clear than ever before.I have a
dream of being able to play piano on stage, and with what’s coming, I don’t
think it is impossible anymore.”,
“Hi Rod,
I’m currently reading your report and I must admit it is fantastic!
I’ve been studying piano for some years, giving up and starting again quite a lot of times. Your personal history is very similar to mine The project is a great idea and it will help a lot of people.I’ve never found something similar in the internet!” ,
“Thank You! Thank You! as a retired engineer with no musical experience, you have made an apparent arbitrary system logical.”
Bruce Woods
Just finished first lesson. My mother (who is a piano teacher) wasn’t able to teach me this much in past oh, god knows how many years with her conventional approach (sorry, Mom). I’ll definitely show her this website. Can’t wait to start a second lesson. Thanks for doing this, guys”,
“Hello. I have looked on different websites to try and find something that would help me on chords, and this was the best and easiest approach. My husband and I go to church, where everyone has some type of music ability. I’ve never been cordinated or very consistant in anything I’ve tried to play.
This has helped me, along with prayer. I am very thankful to have found such a wonderful way of teaching, thank you very
much for that!”
“Thanks to you and to the whole team for this amazing project that will help a lot of people to understand how music works!
Now I can say: “i’m understanding music!”
William Rivera
“This is with no doubt one
of the greatest piano learning material on the internet.“,cod3name47, Sweden (
“Dear Rod
I thank you very much for this website, in my point of view I would say it will most likley contribute into the comeback and the revolution of the piano once again.
I thank you very much for this. This website will help so many people with there piano work and create a useful(unlike the others online) piano community which can discuss and help students/teachers with real piano issues! I am happy to finally see all the pianos needed information to be gathered in one single site and will be using this site and contributing to it
without doubt.Sincerely,”
(You will find more than fifty amazing testimonials and reviews in our blog.)
Today, our Digital Home Study-Course “The Logic Behind Music” is finished, and we truly believe that with this course we´ll be changing how you learn on the piano.
After so much work and dedication, I can tell everyone that this is really a dream come true for us.
This couldn´t have been possible without all the people who contributed and believed that their vision of changing piano learning was possible, and dedicated their time and energy to work as a part of our team toward a common goal.
And most importantly, this wouldn´t have begun without the support of the internet piano community: people who visited our site, offered us their support by leaving a message or comment, and subscribed to our site which gave us the energy to make this dream come true.
For this reason, to thank all the followers of our site, we´ll be making all of our newsletter subscribers part of our special pre-release offer, which will allow them to access our Digital-Home Study Course at a special price before it’s released to the public.
Since this course is now fully completed, we are now working on completely redesigning our site to honor all these years of development, and preparing everything for the official launch date – which will be announced upon the end of the pre-release.
Exciting times have begun for The Piano Encyclopedia, and for all of the piano players around the world.
On behalf of our team, I truly thank you for supporting The Piano Encyclopedia and I am proud to be sharing this thrilling news with all of our followers.
Best wishes,
Rod Schejtman
P.S: If you are already subscribed, please know that all pre-releases will be occurring during the next few weeks (starting this week), giving priority to the followers who subscribed first.
If you haven´t subscribed yet, but don´t want to wait for the official release date and wish to get our Digital Home Study Course at a special price before anyone else, make sure you join our newsletter now. (Click here to join our newsletter) We´ll consider you for our special pre-release price, depending on your subscription date.
Hi Rod,
This is just amazing. Congratulation to you and your team! I can’t wait to start to explore this course and community. The number of things that comes with the course is just impressive. I am sure that this website will help a lot of people who find it difficult to learn to play, improvise and/or compose on the piano. They have now both a comprehensive course and a community to turn to. I’m sure that will eliminate at least SOME frustration. I like the design on everything as well
Again, congratulation with the completion. Great Work! Can’t wait to get a closer look on everything
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Hi Cres!!!
Thank you so much for the congratulations!
We are really really happy!
All the team has put all their energy and dedication to making this possible. And I must tell you that I cannot help from staring and admiring our creation!
We managed to merge everything in one course: the lessons, practice booklets, multimedia reference books, the interactive piano-charts and interactive technology we always mentioned, and a complete 2.0 fully featured web community integrated into the product that combines exclusive The Piano Encyclopedia’s technology. So this is really a dream come true for all of us and we are really happy!
Cres, it’s wonderful to see you around. Thanks so much for the comment, it’s highly appreciated.
Stay in touch, I’ll be posting more news soon and we’ll be starting the pre-releases at the end of this week to thank everyone that has gave us their support, subscribed to our site, left us comments, and gave us the energy to make this possible! In this way we want to thank everyone, and subscribers will be able to get a copy before anyone else at a very special pre-release price. We’ll be giving priority to the first subscribers and then expanding to the whole list.
I’ll be posting more news soon

Stay in touch
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Hi Rod !
Congratulations to you and all team
Your contribution to pianists worldwide will make history
. Comparing with other options I found out that your encyclopedia, could be, probably, the number one reference worldwide.
Sucess for you, and lucky for me, because I’ll be one of the firsts happy to pay for it
Hugs from Europe (PT)
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Hi Bruno!
Thank you so much for your support! I really appreciate it and comments like this make all our effort worthwhile!
It’s great to see you back and it was great to see your comment
. I will make sure you are one of the very first to get into the next pre-release sales round
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Pingback: Learn to play “Yellow” by Coldplay : Piano Lesson #24 « Edutainment
HI Rod,
This is the best product i have seen online. You have taken music making to a whole new level never done before online. I strongly recommend this product to everyone who has just begun learning or has been learning for a few years. They will suddenly begin to understand what they are playing.
Congrats Rod to yourself and your team.
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Hi Oscar!!!
Thank you so much! I am so glad you are enjoying it!
It’s my pleasure to have you in as one of the first customers of our unique piano learning experience! Your comment makes everything worthwhile!!
Thank you!!!
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Estimado Rod:
¡¡Muchas felicidades por su logro!! Ojalá sea ampliamente difundido y beneficie a quienes aman la música.
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It´s so good to see you around. Thank you so much for your support
Let me translate for everybody else:
“Dear Rod:
My most congratulations for your achievement!!! I hope this is widely spread and that it benefits all those who love music”
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Hi Alfredo!
Thank you so much! I really appreciatte your comment and your support.
We are making the pre-releases in groups, giving priority to the subscribers that have subscribed first, as they are the ones that have been waiting longer. However, to thank you for your comment I´ll include you into the next pre-release sales-round so you can be one of the first to enjoy The Logic Behind Music!
Thanks so much!
Let me translate for everyone else:
“Excellent. I was waiting for this moment. Congratulations I am sure that at last I will be able to understand and learn how to improvise with freedom and mastery at the piano. Thank you I hope to have news soon to know when I will be able to buy the software. Greetings”
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Hi Rod,
This is a very good news. Congratulations!
I’m really curious about the final product, as the first lesson we could enjoy time ago had a very high quality.
I wish you a great success
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Hi Desi!!!
Thanks so much for your comment.
It’s great to see you around.
As promised I have just sent you the VIP Pre-Release Invitation!
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Hi Rod, From México
I start with Music Fundamentals few days ago, and tell you, is easy to learn and know then, yor examles an camparations of stress and nice of sound its real, I practice right now so… thanks a lot. Sorry for bad english.
Francisco Sanchez
The bes for you
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this is really great work in the area of keyboard chordation…
thank you
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I just discovered your site yesterday, and I’ve read through the Music Fundamentals booklet. I’m a total newbie at music (except for listening to it) and as a computer geek and programmer I like to understand the system behind things. I found the booklet an excellent resource, and am looking forward to this course, especially learning to compose my own music, as opposed to learning to play a lot of boring tunes without knowing how they are made. The language was clear and precise, and everything was explained thoroughly and understandably. Great stuff!
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hi sir,
really i can say that this is wonderful i know the music atleast.thank you so much for you and your wonderful job
thank you
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