Meet Roger – “Something was missing…”
I knew I had to have music in my life. Coming from a poor family, I didn’t think it possible for me to take music lessons and so didn’t check into it until I was in the eighth grade and was passing by the “music room” at school. I talked to the piano teacher and she agreed to teach me, however my parents did not know of this for a whole month…when the bill came due.
That was how Roger Thomas, one of the seven winners of our December 2011 contest, began his quest to learn piano. Roger received a complete copy of our Digital Home Study Course, “The Logic Behind Music”, after winning our 2011 December contest. Check out his inspiring winning entry:
This is a dream come true. As a young boy I took piano lessons for three years hoping to play like a pro, blues, pop, contemporary etc. This did not happen as I was only taught classical. That was 40 years ago. I have never felt fulfilled in music at all, until now. It seems I have found the “pearl of great price”. This course teaches everything I should have been taught years ago. I am grateful to the wisdom of The Piano Encyclopedia for opening up avenues I never knew existed until now. With understanding music comes freedom to play as you have always wanted.
We asked Roger to share more of his piano learning experience after he was chosen as a contest winner. What he said inspired us, and we hope it will inspire you as well. His story continues:
I reluctantly told my parents, and to my surprise, they said if that was what I wanted, to go ahead. I was the happiest boy on the block. I studied without a piano for 2 years, practicing at a local church. However, something was missing in my studies. It was all “classical” and I wanted the blues, country music and contemporary, etc. It simply was not to happen. I quit music and joined the navy.
Now I am old and was so happy to find The Piano Encyclopedia. It held the wisdom in music I was looking for. Something I believe should have been taught to me way back there… Now I feel that special freedom that I will be taught what I’ve always wanted to know in order to play well in perfect freedom behind the knowledge that you teach.
What is your dream?
It doesn’t matter what style you want to play, what level of experience you have, what age you are, or where you are in the world. You can start your lessons today! Grab a copy of our Digital Home-Study Course “The Logic Behind Music” and get ready to discover the talent you didn’t know you had.
Click here to read more about our course.
Special thanks to Roger Thomas for letting us share his story. We look forward to hearing more from all of our students about your progress!
Click here to read more about our 2011 contest winners and their inspiring dreams.
Congratulations to you and accomplishments of making my dream come true. I hope to find the pearl of great price as well. I struggle with a lot of weakness from a disease in my hands called CMT ( Charcot Marie Tooth), affects bones, muscles and nerves. Diabetes too causes Numbness . However, I am determined to keep on keeping on. I want to master this and be an inspirations to others as well. I’ve struggled with learning but, when it takes root ,it is deep.Time will be worthy and we’ll spent.I also am on the winning side and in the right place with Piano Encylopedia. In addition, I firmly believe , nothing is impossible with God. I just have to always do my part practicing, listening, doing.Again, congratulations, thank you for sharing.
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