The Bonus Piano Charts!
Hi Everyone!
Thank you for all the wonderful comments we’ve received about our Music Fundamentals report!
To all those that had reserved their copy before the release date or that made it to the Community VIP List,
you’ll be getting also our Bonus Piano Charts! Stay tuned, I am sure you’ll enjoy it and that you’ll agree it was worth the waiting.
Even if you didn’t make it to secure this bonus, don’t worry, we’ll be giving away more stuff in the following weeks! Also the new Community will soon open it’s gates, probably in the next weeks.
Stay tuned,
and THANK YOU for all your support and following our development,
Best wishes!
🙄 Estoy gratamente sorprendido y emocionado por el trabajo desinteresado de ustedes al proveernos de este material tan importante para iniciarnos en la música del piano. Muchas, muchísimas gracias.
Miguel Angel.
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Thank you so much. Iit has been 35 years since I did piano mt how your book helped
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Thanks Rod,
I enjoyed reading your music fundamentals book so much, I havn’t
finished yet but will soon. Congratulations on a easy to understand book.
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Yes Rod I too like the free e-book. I haven’t finished going through it all yet but it is what I was looking for. I used to play organ years ago (the ones with push-button chords so my melodies were fine but did not use full chord nor understand them, now I will be able to do more with my new piano. I really would like to take your course it looks very good but not at this time as low on finances but will certainly consider it when I can afford to. Thanks again for the e-book, I know I will enjoy learning with it.
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