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Change the way you learn how to play the piano and discover what all great musicians, know but teachers never tell you

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Our unique method will take you from playing your first songs to learning how to compose and improvise your own music

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Our World-Acclaimed Interactive Course

The Logic Behind Music

Digital Home-Study Course

Featured by Forbes as the interactive course that is «revolutionizing the way people learn how to play the piano». Acclaimed by thousands of students across 75 countries. Learn how to play your favorite songs by ear, improvise, and create your own music by discovering the secrets behind music. A revolutionary method based on logic and understanding - not rules or memorization. Step-by-step interactive lessons from beginner to advanced levels.

New Interactive Courses and Tools Coming Soon

How to Compose Epic Film Music

Interactive Course

The secret music formulas and scales used in film-scoring that will let you create your very own epic music. Step-by-step lessons.

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Musical Scales of the World

Interactive Tool

The most comprehensive collection of musical scales. An interactive tool for advanced musicians who want to explore new horizons.

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The Secret Chords of Music

Interactive Tool

The most popular chord formulas used throughout music history, categorized by genre, emotion, and key. The perfect tool for songwriters.

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