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The Logic Behind Music

Play Songs by Ear

Simple but powerful secrets finally revealed, through interactive step-by-step lessons

Learn Piano from Home

At your own pace, whenever you want, using our ground-breaking technology

Improvise and Compose

Learn how to create your own music by discovering how music really works

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piano lessons designed for all levels

No rules, no memorization. Discover the hidden patterns of music and learn how to improvise, play by ear, and create your own music through easy step-by-step lessons. Play the piano like you always wanted.
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As featured in Forbes

The Piano Encyclopedia, which I describe as the Rosetta Stone of the music education sector, is revolutionizing the way people learn how to play the piano - Ricardo Geromel, Forbes

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Now in 75 Countries

Premium Courses
Begin Your Musical Journey

Reveal The Secrets

Learn how to play the piano with freedom by discovering the logic behind music

Step-by-Step Lessons

Recommended for all levels: first-time player, beginner, intermediate and advanced

Cutting-Edge Tech

Enjoy over 3000 interactive graphics and learn in a fun and easy way

The Virtual Piano

Away from your piano? Play melodies and chords by using your computer’s mouse and keyboard

Reach your Dreams

Play by ear, improvise, and create your own music by discovering how music really works

A Social Experience

Get answers from our trained musicians. Share your progress with other students

Reveal The Secrets of Music

Instant Access

Change the way you learn how to play the piano and discover what all great musicians know, but teachers never tell you

Lessons for All Levels

Our unique method will take you from playing your first songs to learning how to compose and improvise your own music

60-Day Test Drive

Enjoy every single lesson for two full months. Not happy? We'll give you 100% of your money back - with no questions asked!

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Reach All Your Musical Dreams Start Learning Today

Learn what all great musicians know but teachers never tell you. Get started with free lessons that will show you what is needed to be able to improvise, play by ear, and compose music - step by step.

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